viernes, 18 de diciembre de 2015

Google Street View to display more Peruvian attractions

Google Street View to display more Peruvian attractions


 Lima, Dec. 18.
 A great interest has driven Google Street View to capture panoramic images of diverse Peruvian archaeological sites, so a larger number of people will be allowed to virtually explore main tourist attractions and thus learn about the history of the Inca Nation.

Therefore, this tool is very important for countries' tourism and education sectors above all, Google Communications Manager for Colombia and Peru Susana Pabon expressed.

"The question is: Will other Peruvian archaeological sites continue to be displayed? The answer is yes. Google is committed to creating a more perfect map; we will travel to other areas. In this sense, other attractions will be featured indeed [...]," the Google officer told.

"By relying on more Peruvian digitalized sites, Google puts the spotlight on the country given that it draws people's interest in archaeological attractions which can be first virtually visited and in-person afterwards,” she added.

Posting Peru on the Google platform allows boosting domestic and international tourism. More people use the tool to conduct research on the nation, learn about its main tourist attractions and see 3D images.

The said project will rely on the "trekker" tool; a camera placed on a backpack carried by an operator, who tours around archaeological spots on foot.

"Street View is a feature available in Google Maps, Google Earth and Google Maps for mobile that allows users to explore the world through 360-degree street-level imagery," the Internet giant stated.

viernes, 11 de diciembre de 2015

Peru: Receptive tourism up by 7%, to generate US$3.50 billion in 2015

Peru: Receptive tourism up by 7%, to generate US$3.50 billion in 2015

 Lima, Dec. 10.
 Peru's receptive tourism will expand by 7%, generate incomes worth US$3.50 billion and experience a significant recovery by year-end, National Chamber of Tourism (Canatur) Chairman Jorge Jochamowitz reported.

"This will be a remarkable recovery compared to the scarce 1.7% growth recorded in 2014. Progress was possible thanks to the number of attendees to the Annual Meetings of the Boards of Governors of the World Bank Group (WBG) and the International Monetary Fund (IMF)," he affirmed.

Likewise, the Canatur officer estimated this figure may climb to 8% next year, supported by the upcoming APEC event to be held in Lima on November 17th-19th, 2016.

"However, a slight stagnation in 2016 is expected to occur due to the Dollar rise, El Niño climate phenomenon's presence and tourism market crisis expected to hit our country given the upcoming Rio Olympic Games (Brazil)," he noted.

Nonetheless, he said tourism should remain as the country's third foreign-currency generating sector.

Domestic tourism

According to Jochamowitz, domestic tourism will expand by 9% (41.3 million trips) in 2015, noting that 37.9 million trips took place the year before. 

"The average domestic tourist, a youngster, usually spends S/.400 (about US$119 million) per trip. They [young people] are boosting a new trip culture across the national territory," he told.

Peru Travel Mart 2016, Peru and Regions

On the other hand, the Canatur Chairman confirmed the 23rd Peru Travel Mart 2016 (PTM 2016) will take place at Lima's 27 de Enero Convention Center on May 13th-16th.

Jochamowitz forecasted this new edition will gather a total of 150 international buyers from the United States, Canada, Mexico and Latin American countries. 

Peru Travel Mart is a professional event, which provides the opportunity to build a greater knowledge of Peru, as a tourist destination, as well as a country to make business appointments with entrepreneurs arriving from overseas.

BBC to promote Peru's La Leche River Valley tourist attractions

BBC to promote Peru's La Leche River Valley tourist attractions


 Chiclayo (Lambayeque region), Dec. 09.
 La Leche River Valley's tourist attractions, among which Pomac Forest Historical Sanctuary stands out, will be promoted in foreign countries thanks to United Kingdom's BBC network, it was announced.

Following studies conducted by the Peruvian Spectacled Bears Conservation Society (SBC) —which were led by biologist Robin Appleton along with a Peruvian-Canadian and American group— a BBC team arrived in the area to film these animals’ habitat and the territory's richness concerning natural and cultural values, Sican National Museum Director Carlo Elera affirmed.

"The BBC team stayed in the area for some time; some months have passed, and they are already working on the edition. The documentary will be introduced worldwide. They [team members] have been truly fascinated, since they did not expect to find a fauna such as this one [...],” he told Andina news agency.

According to studies conducted by researchers, spectacled bears are a representative population living in the equatorial dry forests’ wetlands.

These animals are associated with a series of mountains and petroglyphs. "Such animals were highly-valued by ancient Peruvians, who settled in the area," the archaeologist indicated.

This British project will be released in mid-2016. "It’s sort of like a special on the planet's unexplored corners, which is very popular in Europe," he told.

"It means Batangrande [archaeological area] and La Leche Basin will be promoted worldwide; thus, this part of the country will draw interest," he finally stated.