sábado, 10 de octubre de 2015

Segura: WBG/IMF Annual Meetings broke attendance record in Lima

Segura: WBG/IMF Annual Meetings broke attendance record in Lima

 Lima, Oct. 06.
 The Annual Meetings of the WBG and the IMF currently underway in Lima broke records of attendance by registering over 12,000 attendees, Peru’s Economy and Finance Minister Alonso Segura stated.

After participating at the Capital Markets, Banking & Finance Day 2015, Segura said he expects Peru will project a good image as host country.

The attendance record has exceeded that of Japan's. "We have exceeded 12,000 registered participants. I think it will be a great success, and this is an opportunity to promote what Peru has to offer," Segura expressed.

During the meeting a discussion on economic issues will be held, which could draw interest from everyone since topics are relevant to the world economy.

“Issues deemed relevant to Latin America and Peru, which have an impact on Peruvian citizens, will be addressed. Every authority, high level personality will arrive for the event in the following days. The activities will increase between today and tomorrow,” he added.


Published: 06/10/2015

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